Sacraments / Los Sacramentos
The Sacraments are means, that Christ instituted, for entering into a deeper relationship with God and his Church. They are both receiving God's commitment of love and making a step of commitment to God. The Catholic Christian Church has 3 initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) as well as 2 for forgiveness and healing (Confession and Anointing of the Sick) and 2 for ways of leading others into God's love (Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders).
Los Sacramentos son maneras, que Cristo instituyó, para entrar en una relación más profundo con Cristo and Church. Son ambos recibiendo el compromiso del amor de Dios y tomando una paso de comprometernos mas con Dios. La Iglesia tiene 3 sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmacion y Comunion), 2 de perdon/sanacion (Confesión y Unción de los enfermos) y 2 del servicio (Santo Matrimonio y Órdenes Sagrados)
Baptism / Bautismo
Baptism is a gift of being washed of the old ways of sin and beginning a new way of living in Christ. One dies to sin and rises to new life.
Bautismo es un regalo de ser lavado de las maneras viejas del pecado y de comenzar un camino nuevo de vivir en Cristo.
Confirmation / Confirmacion
The new life one receives in Baptism is strengthened in being Confirmed by the Bishop or delegate of the Bishop. One is filled with greater gifts of the Spirit and is ready to serve in the church and share in the Banquet of Christ's love.
La vida nueva que se recibe en el Bautismo está fortalecida por ser Confirmado por el Obispo o un delegado del Obispo. Se llene con un aumento del Espíritu Santo y está listo para servir la iglesia y compartir en el Banquete del Amor de Cristo.
Holy Communion / Santa Comunion
One shares most intimately in the love and life of Christ by sharing in the Banquet of Love which he instituted at the Last Supper. One Receives all of Christ: his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, his love, his patience, his wisdom, his courage, his hope,... truly new life.
Se comparte muy íntimamente en el amor y vida de Cristo por compartir en el Banquete de Amor que el instituyo en la Ultima Cena. Se recibe a Cristo Total: su Cuerpo y Sangre, su Alma y Divinidad, su amor, su paciencia, su sabiduria, su fortaleza, su esperanza,…verdaderamente nueva vida.
Holy Matrimony / Santo Matrimonio
A man and a woman are able to grow in the love that God has for us and mirror the love of Christ who died for for us his Church.
Un hombre y una mujer pueden crecer en el amor que Dios tiene para nosotros y ser imagen del amor de Cristo quien murió por nosotros su Iglesia.
Anointing of the Sick / Uncion de los Enfermos
As we always entrust our lives to God, when we have a serious illness, we can receive strength both spiritually and physically.
Como siempre encomendamos nuestras vidas a Dios, cuando tenemos una enfermedad seria, podemos recibir una fortaleza espiritual y fisica.
Confession / Confesion
The Sacrament of Penance is an experience of the gift of God's boundless mercy.
El Sacramento de Penitencia es una experiencia del regalo sobre-abundante de la misericordia de Dios.
Becoming Catholic / Entrando la Fe Catolica
To learn more about the Catholic Faith, We invite you to come and walk together with us. God will lead you through his Spirit.
Para saber mas de la Fe Catolica, le invitamos a venir y caminar junto con nosotros. Dios le guiara por Su Espiritu.