Who We Teach
Whom does the Catholic Church in the United States teach?
Catholic catechists and teachers pass on the faith through catechetical programs in parishes, through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, through Catholic youth ministry and campus ministry programs. During the 2013-2014 academic year,6,594 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in the U. S. provided education for more than 1.9 million students
More than 230 Catholic colleges and universities annually provide education for nearly one million students.
Find more statistics on Catholic Education in the U.S. here.
In this section of our website, you will find information on Evangelization and Catechesis and Catholic education geared to a variety of age groups, including elementary, secondary and college students, youth and young adults, adult members of the Church and those who are seek to become Catholics.
Source: McDonald, Dale, PBVM, Ph.D. and Margaret Schultz, Annual Statistical Report 2013-2014, National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), 2014.